Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hi Today in this article, I am gonna post on Port forwarding, which is necessary for using different tools, Such as RATs (DarkComet) and uTorrent and so on.

For connecting to your remote victim, you should have your port forwarded. Thus, you have to setup port forwarding in order to hack computer remotely using RATs. In this article i am explaining How To Setup Port Forwarding Manually.

How To Setup Port Forwarding Manually

Please follow this guide on How To Port Forward Manually :

Step 1: Start off by going to: Start -> Run -> CMD -> And Type IPCONFIG

Step 2: Now Copy That "Standard Gateway | Default Gateway" IP And Type It Into Your Web browser & Log in.

Step 3: My username is Root - nothing. The router // modem accounts usually are these:

Admin -
Admin - Admin
Admin - Password
Admin - User
Admin - Root
Admin - Custom Password, Check underneath your router for it! ;)

Root - Admin
Root -
Root - Password
Root - Root
Root - Password
Root - Custom Password. Check underneath ;)

User - Root
User -
User - Admin
User - Password
User - User
User - Custom Pass.

And so on................................

Step 4: Once you're logged in, Go to the "port forwarding" or in this case, "Virtual Server"

Step 5: Now Add new Virtual Server or Modify Existing one With following Values,

Virtual Server: Enable / Disable.
Local IP: Found In IPConfig, As IP Adress.
Start Port: The Port You Want To Forward, Start Port.
End Port: The Port You Want To Forward, End Port.
Protocol: TCP & UDP or BOTH
Remark: The Name Of The Wished Forwarded Program.

Step 6: And When You've Saved The Settings, Go To And Type Your Port In There, And If It Says " Success ".

Then You've Succeded Your Port Forwarding.

If It Says, Error

You've Failed. Then I Advice You To Take A Look At And Look For Your Router Or Modem, Once You Find It They Have A Port Forward Tutorial There.

Or Try To Have The Application You Are Forwarding For Open, Like Cybergate Rats & Try Again!

So friends, this was all about how to setup port forwarding (Router & Modem) Manually. You can forward different ports just by entering them in step 5. If you have any problem in this tutorial to setup forwarding Manually, please mention it in comments.

Happy Hacking.. :)